photo by bozzo
photo by bozzo
photo by bozzo
photo by bozzo
group work 2016
choreographed by Yukio Suzuki
premier: Theatre TRAM, 2016
テキスト:「チェルノブイリの祈り――未来の物語」 (岩波現代文庫)
スベトラーナ・アレクシエービッチ (著), 松本 妙子 (翻訳)
Quote by Svetlana Alexievich 『Voice from Chernobyl』
<main activities>
世田谷パブリックシアター Setagaya Public Theatre, Tokyo JAPAN /2016
京都芸術劇場 春秋座 Kyoto Art Theater Shunjuza, JAPAN/2017
六本木アートナイト2019 Roppongi Art Night 2019, Tokyo JAPAN /2019
追手門学院高校 表現コミュニケーションコース7期生卒業公演 Osaka JAPAN/2022
豊岡演劇祭2023 Toyooka Theatre Festival 2023, Hyogo/2023
シビウ国際演劇祭 Sibiu Internațional Theatre Festival, România /2024
Yukio Suzuki came across a book in New York City that pushed him to confront something that would have been unlikely had he been living in Japan. The book was Svetlana Alexievich’s 2015 Nobel Prize winning “Chernobyl Prayer”.
In Accumulations, inspired by her book, the distances between the audience and the text as well as the physical distance between the five dancer’s bodies constantly shift, quietly drawing closer and then further apart. The work sheds light on the innocence and idiocy of mankind, as well as the resilience and venerability of human life.
It is a reproduction of Accumulation of differential, which was highly acclaimed for subtly and patiently capturing the reality of life today.
Accumulations is about time, action and relationships that slowly build up.
It is about our every day - a day in our life, a day in the world that is also a moment leading to the future.On the road I walk everyday, I have noticed a flower blossoming.
The sky is higher. I have felt relieved by the warmness in the air. I have just stood there to look at the stunning sunset.
We don’t have to be somebody.
Each sensation is a reminder that we were alive that day, that moment. What is happening in the world is not so far from us.
I’ve decided to live here. ——Yukio Suzuki